Chan Kithan Guzari Aye Raat Vai

We recently adopted a cat from the Humane Society shelter and she has taken over the household. She is our queen, our pampered baby, and need less to say, we all love her. But that being said, the kids do not like being woken up in the middle of the night and so close their bedroom doors. She, therefore, spends most nights with my husband and myself, dividing her time between settled on his chest and tucked into the crook of my neck. At times she will sleep at our feet.

Last night, though, was marked by her absence and so this morning, when she jumped onto our bed and settled herself into the space between my shoulder and my neck, face in my hair (finally someone who likes the smell and feel of my hair enough to make a pillow of it!), the thought that sprang to mind was, 'Chan raat kithan guzari vai' - a line from a Punjabi folk song, in which a woman asks her love where he spent the night.

When I finally dragged myself out of bed, I saw that she had managed to wedge open both children's doors and, while that answered my question, it is hilarious to think that I have never (thankfully!) had occasion to wonder about the whereabouts of my man and fret over why he has abandoned my bed for someone else's and yet, here I am, worrying about a cat!
Tehmina Khan